
Autumn Leaves

Since I was born and raised in Louisiana I had never really experienced a proper fall. The leaves here go from green to brown in the blink of an eye, while the red, yellow and orange leaves usually associated with the season are never to be seen.
I got back to the states in the beginning of October and about a week later I was off again to New Hampshire to visit my boyfriend’s family. I FINALLY got a chance to see the beautiful colored leaves!

Taken on my iPhone, and no, I didn’t photoshop at all! So pretty!

We went off roading in a six wheeler through the mountains. This was my view from inside of the truck!

It doesn’t even look real in the pictures!

Another fun activity that we did was ziplining! I am extremely terrified of heights but I refused to let it get the best of me. We went on a two hour SkyRider tour that took us on five zips. We started at the top of the mountain and zipped along the tree tops to the bottom!

My first zip! You can see the look of terror on my face as I’m about to jump. Definitely worth it once I let go! :)

We took suspended bridges to get from zip to zip.

Two of the zips on our course let you race! I lost against my boyfriend both times but still had so much fun!

Flying through the air!
The company that we did the tour with is named Alpine Adventures and I highly recommend them! My favorite zip of the five was 45 seconds long and took us over a valley of trees. The views were absolutely breathtaking! Apparently, we picked the best time of year to go! :)